Saturday, March 15, 2008

old friends, new friends, i love my friends!

After many tears and sadness, our friends left in the big red truck to fly home to Kentucky this morning. I have so many stories and funny things to post from the was AMAZING! I will be putting all my pictures from last week on facebook very soon, but I promised I wouldn't do it until they got home and could put their's up first. So, here is a sneak peek with just a few pictures from the funniest week I've had since moving to Haiti. I am so glad I got to be with so many HILARIOUS people who CONTINUALLY had me and Ashley cracking up! We love you all so much and we miss you a lot!

1 comment:

Ashley Pratt said...

Man oh man.
What an amazing week it was.
And I am going to treasure all those memories...for the rest of my life.
I am getting teary...I better stop being all whiny...
I love our friends. We are so blessed!!