Saturday, April 19, 2008

La Tortue

I have always loved the ocean. Always! I credit it to my parents for taking me on so many wonderful vacations to the beach, starting when I was too young to remember it and continuing to this day. I love everything about the ocean! The water, the sun, the relaxation, the sound of the waves crashing, I'm even ok with sand creeping into my bathing suit! So when I first heard the details about the western coast of La Tortue (the island that is off the coast of Port-de-Paix) and how there were beautiful white sand beaches and crystal clear water, I knew I MUST visit this island! Even President Preval has been there! It has to be beautiful!

I have asked several people all year long, Americans and Haitians, how I could get there to see it. Everyone gave me very elusive answers that proved no results for my search. Of course when my friends Lenny and Allison mentioned that one of his students was paying for a boat to go out there and I was welcome to tag along, I jumped on the boat (literally)!!!

Here is La Tortue from Port-de-Paix:

We left this morning at around 9:30 on a motor/sailboat. It was a sailboat with a motor on the back. It took us about an hour and a half to make the trek to the island. The ride over was absolutely beautiful! The water in the middle of the ocean had such a dark, rich blue, that was stil so clear. It was gorgeous! And we saw "flying fish!" Seriously! I know everyone has seen fish jump out of the water before, but these fish did MUCH more than jump! They were flying above the water! They even had little tiny wings that they were flapping! I have NEVER in my life seen anything like it!

Here is our boat (I couldn't get a better picture while we were on it, because I was too busy trying not to fall off!):

After about an hour and half, we finally made it to our destination! And it was even more beautiful than I ever imagined! The water was the most beautiful shade of teal and the sand was whiter than I have ever seen before. When we were swimming, I was in water about as deep as my shoulders and it was so clear that I could see straight down to my feet! A big difference from the shores of South Carolina that I am used to going to!!

These pictures don't do it justice at all, but you can look anyway!

The ride back was much more entertaining! I don't know if we were going against the wind and current or what, but the boat was tipping to one side for 95% of the ride. We got splashed from hitting the waves at this angle and where I was sitting, I ended up getting most of the water on me! Every time the water came "on deck" it ran off right beside me (or under me is more like it!). I ended up absolutely soaked! And for a split second, I thought we were going to lose Allison over the side! Luckily, thanks to Lenny and a board nailed to the floor of the boat that caught her before she slid any farther, she didn't go in!

The Crew (L to R) -- Kala, Josh, Allison, Lenny, Me, Ashley, Jen

Today is definitely going in my book of "The greatest days of my life!" It was fun to have one final "hurrah!" before the end of the year here. And it gets me excited about coming back next year and all the adventures we will take!

And yes, Lenny was right. As I am snuggled in my bed, I still feel the world around me rocking like a boat.


ecasimir said...

Hey. Awesome trip! I have been to Torguta several times, but have yet to make it to the Western point. That is on my list of places in Haiti that I still need to go. There, Cap Haitian, and Jacmel. Glad to hear you got there and back safely! It can be an interesting trip.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i was born and raised there also. i was there about 4 months ago and its a beautiful place. very peaceful and safe but there is still no electricity nor running water. i am currently working on a pilot program to help the island either solar panel and windmill if you have any expertise in those area and wanted to assist contact me.

Anonymous said...

interest in the island of la tortue or tortuga island haiti.

visit and leave me a comment.

buy viagra said...

The coast of La Tortue is one of the most beautiful places on the planet .. The water is crystal clear and the white sand .. simply beautiful