Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hurricane Madness!

So, I have been told that I should post on here saying that Hurricane Gustav didn't wash us away! Although, it didn't really occur to me to do this because, in Port-de-Paix, we didn't even get any rain because of the storm. Hurricane Hanna is up a little north of us (or she was) and she will miss Port-de-Paix also.

Things are good. Internet bandwidth is more limited than usual and we are continuing to pray that our generator (which was on the fritz) continues to keep kicking, but despite these things, I am so glad to be back. I've seen several of our sweet little kids and given out more hugs than I can count.

The living situation in our house is better than I thought it would be. After some complications with housing, Carmen had no choice but to move two boys into the downstairs part of our house (Emily and I live in the upstairs). I was a little concerned what kind of message this was sending to the community, 2 single girls living with 2 single guys, but we are taking extra precautions to make it appear that we have divided the house into two separate apartments and we don't live "together." We share the kitchen with the boys, but we have also shared a lot of laughs...We've laughed at each other (maybe I should say WITH each other!!), at the things that happen in Haiti, and at the horrible smell that is outside the kitchen window (don't worry, I won't go into detail about that awful stench!).

Since being back, I have also been hit with what I like to all "The Haitian Sensation." Getting my body back on track with the food and schedule here is always fun!(*I don't want to go into gross details, but for those of you who know Ashley, and know her well, will understand when I say that I joined her club this past weekend. blah!)

School starts tomorrow, so I am sure I will have many, many stories in the next few days! Stay tuned...


Tara Wasson said...

I hope your first week went well.

Ashley Pratt said...

Oh Cady...welcome to the club.

Your card will arrive in the mail shortly. :)

And I like to call it "Haiti Butt". Not as nicely put, but seriously, it isn't that nice!!