Friday, October 5, 2007

money, money, money!!!

i'm finally getting the hang of using the money here. it is so different than the states and quite confusing...everything is sold in haitian dollars...however, all the bills are marked in gourdes (pronounced goods) so you have to divide your gourdes by 5 to figure out how many haitian dollars you have...and then divide that by seven to figure out what it would be in american dollars (to see if it is a good price). somethings are SUPER DUPER cheap (like a taxi to downtown costs about 50 cents in american money and a package of cookies is about $1 american) but other stuff is really expensive (a box of fruit loops cost almost $10 american). so you have to watch and make sure you aren't paying too much for stuff.

in other news, i taught my kids how to "hi-five" this week! they LOVE it!!!!

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