Monday, May 19, 2008

A Heavy Heart

hey y'all. i know you are probably surprised to see me at 11:00 on a week night! this is a late night for a haitian!!! haha! i just wanted to send an e-mail to tell a little bit about my day today and ask you to pray for haiti.

today some men were filling the generator with diesel (not sonlight men, the men from the diesel place) and the line broke (we think). diesel went everywhere and got on a lady who sits by our generator every day selling food. she cooks marinad, fried plantain, and other fried foods and sells them right outside the school gates. apparently, the diesel mixed with her cooking oil and fire and caused an explosion. the lady was right in the middle of it all and she caught on fire. it was horrible.

the noise was so loud that there were easily 100 or 200 people in the street about 60 seconds after it happend. everyone nearby was rushing to see what was going on. norma rushed up and began caring for the woman. her entire body was burned and she was in terrible pain. the only thing she could do was sign hymns at the top of her lungs to keep her mind off the pain.

norma and carmen took her (and another lady who had a few minor burns) to the hospital in la pointe (the next town over) where she could be treated more properly. we found out this afternoon that she is going to be fine, but her body is still in pain.

i don't know her name...neither do most the haitians there today. they just called her "marinad madam"(the marinad lady). even so, god knows her name, so please pray for her and her recovery.

also, after school today, kala, ashley, and i went to visit some students, sherlande and levenson (a brother and sister in 4th and 1st grade at sonlight) that haven't been coming to school. they live with their mother who is crazy. the mom won't wash their clothes, won't let them go to school, and won't feed them. it broke my heart to see two of the sweetest children literally starving right before my eyes. they have both lost so much weight in the past few months. both kids say they want to come to school, but their mom doesn't want them to. their dad has moved to port-au-prince to take a higher paying job. i'm praying not to be so angry at him for leaving them with a woman he knew couldn't take care of them. but more than that, i'm praying for protection for sherlande and levenson and praying that god will restore their mother's mind so she can care for them and their 2-year-old sister.

my heart is so burdened for both of these families tonight. please pray with me for them (the marinad lady and sherlande and levenson). even though haiti is in such poor condition and i have seen a lot of things i never thought existed, very few things have caused me to cry over this past year, but tonight i can't stop the tears. my heart is breaking for these families...especially these children. please pray with me for them.

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