Saturday, April 12, 2008


If you have heard me talk about my students AT ALL, I'm sure you have heard about how much I love Christopher. He is sweet and cute and quite the ladies man (which I'm sure will get him into some trouble in about 10 years). In fact, he has already gone through two girls this year that are going to be his wife--He can't make up his mind between Schekina and Michka! He is always eager to give me a big hug and a kiss and is ready to jump up on my lap! He LOVES to dance, which of course, I LOVE! I call him my "Ti Makak" which means "Little Monkey" because he is constantly climbing ALL OVER ME! And he loves to laugh! I have learned so much about enjoying life from Christopher. He is such a sweet boy and loves ALL the kids in our class. And he laughs when I tell him I am going to cry everyday when he goes to Kindergarten and leaves me.

(From L-R) Love, Weggy, Widloveson, Christopher, Schekina

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my...he is a doll!!!